You may or may not be familiar with my piece 'House of the Holy : Enlightened Ones' it was the face for my recent exhibition Deconstruction : Reconstruction and is pictured on the link for my website on the top right side here on my blog.
My inner thoughts and feelings that lie behind in the makings of this piece run pretty deep, and when I try to explain these emotions I find it very hard for me to articulate. Perhaps because I see them as a feeling rather than an explaination. Infact this applies to all my assemblages. I think that is why the titles are so important as they carry the message that has been transfered as I assemble them. It is certainly challenging to say the least, as I am always asked what lies behind the piece. It's a bit like trying to answer what lies behind the meaning of life!
And now other works have come about with the same emotion behind the construction and House of the Holy is becoming a body of work...
"Fragility of Life"