This is my Tao today...
"Upon completion comes fulfillment,
With fulfillment comes liberation.
Liberation allows you to go on.
Even death is not a true ending.
Life is infinite continuation."
My next Exhibition of mixed media assemblages, supported with contemporary images by Richard Stiller.
Official opening by Pam Magdefrau President Arts Connect Inc.
Studio 4 Gallery, Marcoola on Saturday 18th Dec. 2010 from 5.00pm
For directions please click here
Congratulations... Fiona!
No.1. 'Grounded' - porcelain dish
No. 2 'Spiral dish'
No.3 'All Things Lead to One'
Sanded and ready for bisque.
I've used a scruffy old match box (to adorable to throw away) I acquired amongst my rusty finds, complete with three 'dead' matches.
The ceramic content consists of daggy old looking nails, screws and a washer - made in porcelain fired to 1300* reduction
Titled - 'Box of Tricks'
S - Imprint - with organic matter
A bit of fun, not sure what the end result will look like, fortunately I can rescue this if need be after the bisque firing. S transfered with a light pencil imprint as a guide, then wax emulsion applied to outline the letter and the border to act as a resist from the pressed in organic matter and to create a negative space with the letter, hopefully! In theory > the organic matter is pressed imprinting the clay and will burn away in the firing resulting inverted spots and the letter S will be revealed by the smooth surface.
Below is a close up for a clearer view - Quinoa grain is used and burnished in with my Tigers Eye polished stone for securing and reassuring a definite imprint.
Within these 3D segments I want to incorporate some form of movement using old wheelbarrow and pram wheels - in the image above both pram wheels move, and the image below gives you a visual of the 3D effect that's being created.
It's starting to look a little like the internal parts of a watch or a clock, on a grander scale, the piece measures 1.1mtr.
a close up...
Miniature Totemic cubes
Medium - Hardwood, steel, found objects & Stoneware Clay
Various heights - H 120mm to H240mm